The 7 battlefields of Digital Transformation

Thursday, 27/05/2021

During the recent virtual Digital Business Transformation Conference , held on May 25, Dr. Mylonopoulos pinpointed the main challenge of digital transformation and then summarized the leadership agenda in 7 key battlefields.

His presentation started with Jeanne Ross's quote  “All the digitization in the world won’t, on its own, make a business a digital company” that according to Dr. Mylonopoulos summarizes a common aphorism about digital transformation.  He also shared a broad definition of digital transformation as the process by which 20th century companies change, in order to survive and compete in the face of 21st century digital disruption."

"If digital transformation for these incumbents is about redefining their organizational identity and value proposition in the face of digital disruption, then we can list seven areas where the transformation “battle” must be won. The overall success of digital transformation hangs on winning each of these battlefields.

1) IT Infrastructure as a Platform 2) Intelligent Operations 3) Data-driven Value Proposition 4) Platform and Ecosystem Strategies 5)Accounting and Control for Innovation 6)Lean and Agile Governance and Management and 7)Customers as Employees and Employees as Customers .

You may wish to add more items to this list, but for now  at least, 7 is a good number!  These are the elements which, alongside digitization, can make a business a digital business"

Watch his presentation below !

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